On Sunday, February 13th we dedicated our youngest daughter to the Lord. More over, we made the public commitment to raise our child in the ways of the Lord. It seems such a simple act, but such a simple act comes with such responsibility. With Presleigh being the 2nd born, we have already had a chance to see what a great responsibility it really is.
I am humbled to know that God specifically chose Stuart and Me, to be the parents of these two girls and with that the responsibility to raise them to know and love our Lord Jesus Christ.
After the dedication ceremony we were in the congregation as the older children in our church led worship. Blaire was standing between Stuart and Me and I was holding Presleigh and out of no where came on the tears. I was completely overwhelmed with the blessing of my family. I can't even put into words the feelings that overwhelm my heart.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children."
Amen, Praise be to God for your family Erin and that Stuart and you are choosing to raise them to love our Lord. He is so good to us. Beautiful picture too, you three look beautiful!