Presleigh is now 10 months old. It is hard to believe that in 2 short months we will be celebrating a year with this little girl. Stuart and I speak often of how blessed we feel with our girls. God created each of them so uniquely and it has been fun to watch them both grow through the stages.
Presleigh is beginning to communicate with words and sign. She says "mama", "dada", "bye bye" and "more" in sign language. She babbles all the time and has so much to say. She looks at me and tells me whole stories in baby talk. It is too cute!
She isn't crawling traditionally but she army crawls quite proficiently. She makes her way around the house in nothing flat and keeps both Stuart and I on our toes. I catch her often crawling into her and Blaire's bedroom and try to play with Blaire. Blaire tries to let her play but gets frustrated with her when she gets into her stuff.
Presleigh at her 9 month appt was 17lbs 8oz, and 27 inches long which landed her on the small side of the growth scale. While the doctor did mention that she is small he wasn't concerned in the least. She looks good and is as happy as it gets. She has let me keep her a baby a little bit longer and I am enjoying that.
I LOVE that picture. It looks like you had a great Christmas. Happy New Year from us!