Last Friday Blaire proclaimed that she was a "big girl"! Oh, music to my ears! With the news that we were expecting our second child a year ago and a whirl wind pregnancy and the birth of Presleigh. Little Blaire has had a lot of adjusting to do. She has been the center of attention for 2 1/2 years and the sole apple of Mommy and Daddy's eye.
As soon as we began getting ready for the baby and as it was quite apparent that I was with child, Blaire began to insist that she was a baby. I suppose she was making sure that she still had a place in the family. Especially with her all of the sudden being referred to as "Big Girl" and "Big Sister".
In December Blaire was nearly potty trained but decided that she preferred diapers...ugh! I quit using the phrases mentioned above and made sure that she knew that she was not being replaced. I started calling her my first baby and Presleigh my second baby. I made a big deal about things that she got to do that Presleigh couldn't because she was little.
However, two weeks ago Blaire decided she was finished with pull-ups and wanted to wear big girl underwear. She started swimming lessons and last Friday on our way to Colorado she declared that she was a "Big Girl". We all know she will always be my baby but what a mile-stone she has achieved. I am so proud of her!!
Erin, I can't believe how much Blaire and Elle look like they could be twins! It is crazy to me. They must take after their mommies in what they look like. I'm glad you have a blog so that we can keep up with each other.